Let's see how many dollars we can spend in Manistee County instead of at a National Chain!

Support our community and spend your dollars locally with this county-wide cash program.  购买 马尼斯蒂县$h for any gift-giving occasion and let your gift recipient choose where to spend it!


选择您想购买的数量, 用你最喜欢的信用卡付款, 你的证书已经准备好了.  The participating merchants will either scan the QR code or use the six-digit code to validate the certificate.  Each certificate can only be used once ~ the full amount must be spent.  The program will automatically keep track of every dollar.

请联系 Carmen@ManisteeChamber.com 协助您购买.

Thank you to all the sponsors of 马尼斯蒂县$h!

CASSIDY JESSUP: Where are the untold stories of women in our business community?

By cjessup_cassidy@joytuan.com | 2023年3月25日

Each story is only as good as the author who tells it, 尤其是这个月, the 马尼斯蒂地区商会 is recognizing women’s stories in advocacy and business.  Did you know, according to statistics highlighted by author Sarah Hollenbeck in Incfile.在美国,女性拥有的企业占所有美国企业的42%.S. 企业,并负责雇用……

OPINION: Businesses, individuals went above and beyond in 2022 

By cjessup_cassidy@joytuan.com | 2023年2月24日

五个奖项类别的奖项, the Awards Gala Committee has selected the top three finalists to choose from in a live vote during the Manistee Area Chamber of Commerce 2023 商业大奖盛典, 由密歇根州蓝十字蓝盾协会颁发. Each of the finalists is a business or business leader that has demonstrated outstanding…

DYLLAN WALKER: Winter provides downtime to enjoy Manistee’s amenities

By cjessup_cassidy@joytuan.com | 2023年1月27日

It’s a great time to be a local in Manistee, Michigan. 在经历了繁忙的夏季和拥挤的假期之后, we have a perfect opportunity to take some time for ourselves and embrace our community’s winter wonderland. 一月至三月, 我们看到交通量减少, 缩短营业时间, 只有很少的阳光, 还有很多……

CASSIDY JESSUP: Shopping locally in Manistee County has great impacts

By cjessup_cassidy@joytuan.com | 2022年12月8日

在马尼斯蒂县总是小企业的季节! Don’t miss out on the magic of traditional Christmas shopping – and the small businesses across the county have you covered.  不仅每个人都有礼物, 但你也在支持你的朋友, 邻居, 在当地购物. 当他们茁壮成长时,我们都会茁壮成长.…

STACIE BYTWORK: Housing, incentives make business easier in Manistee County

By cjessup_cassidy@joytuan.com | 2022年10月28日

Making Business Easier in Manistee County: Housing and Incentives The demand for housing in Manistee County has continued to grow, 如果我们想看到行动, there are many incentives and opportunities available.  The 马尼斯蒂地区商会 hosted a non-partisan City Council and County Commissioner Candidate Forum last week, 突出问题……

TED FRICANO: The process of bringing Fricano’s to Manistee

By cjessup_cassidy@joytuan.com | 2022年9月30日

一切都是一场战斗.  开展新业务, 弗里亚诺的马尼斯蒂河, would not be possible without the support from the 马尼斯蒂地区商会, 市政府官员, 房地产经纪人兼商会大使吉妮·佩尔顿, 以及市区发展局.  Four years ago, in 2018, I began scouting locations in Manistee. 起初,我很感兴趣……

CINDY VASQUEZ: A new perspective: investor, ambassador, community advocate

By cjessup_cassidy@joytuan.com | 2022年8月26日

Positive connections are vital to growing our community, 在我们美丽的县里做生意. 对于Manistee, it can be as easy as showing up to 马尼斯蒂地区商会 programs and networking opportunities.  作为商会大使, 领导力项目毕业生, 参加年度高尔夫郊游的志愿者, 是商会的常客……

DYLLAN WALKER: Manistee chamber is the key to a complicated map

By cjessup_cassidy@joytuan.com | 2022年7月29日

Manistee County has become a beacon on the map of Michigan communities. A place where many people come to vacation, only to leave wishing they could live here. 访问ors watch with envy as residents relax on a Sunday afternoon instead of returning home for their work week. 我们需要的东西都在这里:a……

MARC MILLER: Economic development ‘elevator spiel’ focuses on five projects

By cjessup_cassidy@joytuan.com | 2020年1月24日

当与潜在的企业家交谈时, 甚至是在认识新朋友的时候, 我经常会问, “你的电梯演讲是什么??” This is a 30-second pitch that you can use to convince a VIP that your project or idea matters and will have an impact. Regardless of your line of work or your volunteer activities, practicing a…